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Fidget Spinners! Are they weird or worth it?

Hey guys, Josiah here from DJS! Today I'm discussing Fidget spinners. Lets make something clear, I own a fidget spinner, I love fidget spinners and I personally think that they are awesome.( I'm not trying to make it seem like fidget spinners are necessarily bad when I talk about the negative things about them, I'm just trying to get to a point where when someone asks me if they are worth the money, I can have an answer. I also think that you shouldn't give a child this if they are 4 or under. Thank you.) Now lets get on with it!


1. They are a distraction in school.

These toys grew quickly from a stress reliever and a toy for people with autism and ADHD to just a cool trend. Some schools are actually banning fidget spinners because they're a distraction and kids won't do they're school work like they're supposed to do

2. They're easy to lose.

I know this is a silly reason but it's still true. These toys are tiny. The one that I have is about the size of the palm of my hand.

They're tiny, so you know what that means. They're bound to get lost eventually, and when that day comes...lemme just say, thats gonna need its own post on this website.

3. They're kind of easy to steal

I'm talking to all you public schoolers out there. I'm sure at least one of you people reading this has gotten something stolen from you at school. These things are small, quiet, and light. So if you're just sitting at lunch and you're fidget spinner (that you're not paying full attention to) is sitting on the lunch table, someone just might come by and take that small little thing. So be careful.


1. They're awesome!

These things are awesome! I love these things! Personally the dollar ones from China and the thousands of dollars "rare" fidget spinner is just as good as the cheap ones. They're awesome and small so its easy to take around. I love fidget spinners.

2. They make great things to collect!

These little suckers are small, cool, not very fragile and decently cheap. So they make great things to collect if you're into that kinda stuff. I don't personally like to collect things, I'm ok with just having one or two but, I know some kids who have already started collecting these. There's a stand in my mall that sells fidget spinners and I know that Walgreens, 5 Below and 7-Eleven have them so it's pretty easy to get your hands on them.

3. They attract a crowd

So if you're a person that loves attention, get a fidget spinner! These things draw a crowd like a wounded gazelle in the middle of a pack of lions. If you want to draw a crowd I might would start by getting an awesome fidget spinner. But don't stop at a plain one, get a cool fidget spinner that fits your personality. Like the one that I have is a Captain America fidget spinner.

So, I drew a pretty big crowd today at church because I had this fidget spinner. If you want a little entourage, get a really cool fidget spinner.

Ok, I think that I've come to a conclusion. I think that fidget spinners are totally worth anywhere from $1 to $15 but going past that is kind of pushing it. I also think that small children shouldn't have fidget spinners unless that they're responsible enough to know not to swallow it or the ball bearings on the inside. I might would stick to only having a couple, maybe collecting if you wanna do that but mainly keep it simple. I think that fidget spinners are going to stay around for a while. But like all trends it's bound to come to an end eventually, just like silly bands and bottle flipping. But when that day comes...we all know that theres another trend out there waiting. What will it be? Who knows? Only God knows, but until that day comes lets keep fidgeting! Josiah out!

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