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Thor Ragnarok Lego sets

Hey guys, Josiah here from DJS! Today I'll be talking about the Lego Thor Ragnarok sets that come out on August 1st. There's only two sets but one of the sets is not very good and overpriced, (Both of the Lego sets are overpriced though.) but one of the sets is very much worth the price.

Ok, Lets get into this!

Set number 1. The Ultimate Battle for Asgard


This set is actually pretty good, but it's overpriced. I would pay $39.99 for this set but $49.99 is kinda pushing it. The set comes with 6 mini-figures. The new Bruce Banner, Hela, Thor, Valkyrie and two... Berserkers.

Courtesy to for the pictures.

That headpiece for Hela is so cool! It looks really nice. It really matches the helmet, horns thingy that she wears in the movie.

This set comes with two pretty good (simple) builds. The ring ship is really cool and simple and it has good colors but it looks too futuristic, almost like it belongs in a Guardians of the Galaxy set.

The big brick built dog looks too "blocky". It's ok for the set but it looks a little disappointing.

Now onto the next set!

Set number 2. Thor vs. Hulk: Arena Clash


This is my least favorite lego set of the series. It only has 429 pieces, 5 mini-figures and it's hilariously overpriced for such an awful build. The big-fig Gladiator Hulk is spectacular! The Jeff Goldblums character, the Grand Master does NOT look like his character AT ALL! The arena build for this set looks really bad.

But, the mini-figure lineup is pretty good.

You've got the new Thor, Hulk and Loki plus this set has two exclusive figures, The Grand Master and the Sakaarian guard. Over all, This set is bad. But it's a pretty good play set and it has some cool features. The mini-figures aren't "that" bad. The price is unbearable at $59.99 but it might be a set that I get for my Birthday or Christmas. Ok, That's all for today! Josiah out!

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