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Star-Lord Cosplay!!

Hey guys, Jacob from DJS here, and I was thinking about making a cheap Star-Lord cosplay for the

Comic-Con near one of the DJS headquarters. So here is a tutorial! Very First, Things I Have! First, you will need a dark blue long sleeve shirt, or a dark blue short sleeve shirt. Second, you will need either black pants/jeans, or very dark blue pants/jeans. These two steps didn't cost me anything because I already had them. Third, you will need a dark red leather jacket. I got a great deal on a leather trench coat that was the right color and was only $18. Fourth, you will need a bag. I found one on my trip to New York for $18, but you can find some for around the same price on Amazon. Fifth, you will need two blasters. Disguise has good looking blasters on Amazon for only $10 each. Sixth, you will need a Walkman like Star-Lords. The Walkman that Star-Lord has is now very expensive so you can print out a template and glue it on cardboard, or get another Walkman and use it like his. Now On To Things I Do Not Have! First, you will need boots. You can get decent looking boots for around $30. Second, you will need a belt. Belts are cheap and you can find them just about anywhere. Third, you will need rockets to go on the boots. These are not usually sold online so you could make them or 3D print them. Next, you will need the helmet. This is optional, but it definitely makes your cosplay look awesome. There are many different places you can get the helmet, but the cheapest way is on Amazon for around $7. Bye guys, I hope this was helpful and informative on the subject. Jacob from DJS signing out.


Star-Lord bag I bought:

Disguise Star-Lord Blaster:

Star-Lord Marvel Legends Helmet(Picture Below):

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