Happy Fathers Day!
Hey guys, Josiah here from DJS! Today I want to thank all of the dads out there for being patient and kind and loving towards their family and friends...and especially their noisy kids! Give your dad the most amazing gift, your love...and the link to our website!
Dads are pretty great. Dads have to put up with a lot, and I don't think we thank our dads enough for what they do. So thanks dads! Now to keep this blog post going, I'm going to list some of the top dads in history!
Steve Jobs: Dad of Apple
Bob Crachit: Dad of Tiny Tim
Bill Gates: Dad of Microsoft
Roy DoubleJStudios: Dad of Me, the co-creator of DoubleJStudios
Jack DoubleJStudios: Dad of Jacob, the co-creator of DoubleJStudios
The Founding Fathers: Dad of America
Darth Vader: Dad of Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker
Ok, Thanks for reading the the WHOLE blog post! Thanks dad, we love y'all so much and are really thankful! Josiah out!