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Our First Fan-Art!

Hey guys, Josiah here from DJS! Today is a special blog post about DoubleJStudios first piece of fan-art! Our fan art was given to me by one of my friends named Mya! She was super nice to give me this fan-art drawn in SCENTED MARKERS, it smells great! I'm going to show y'all the fan-art!

This is some AWESOME FAN-ART! I'm so thankful for the few fans we have! I hope to keep growing this website but I can't do it 100% without the readers of this blog! I want to challenge all the humans, aliens, mammals, mutants and wizards and witches to share this blog post on all your social media and say something encouraging about the website! Thanks everyone who has read the website! I also want to add one more thing before I finish... This is for you Mya, you asked for it!

Portugal vs. Mexico today at 11:00 AM. Score was 2-2! Very exciting game! I hope this was enough Mya!

Here's some game clips!

Thanks for reading, Josiah out!

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