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The Flash: TV series review

Hey guys, Josiah here from DJS! Today I will be reviewing the TV series: The Flash. This is my favorite TV show by far! Let's get into it!

When Barry Allen was a kid he got into lots of fights, his One night Barry hears screaming downstairs. He goes downstairs to find his mom, Nora, on the living room floor screaming being circled by two streaks of lightning, one red and one yellow.

Barrys mom being circled by the streaks of lightning.

Inside of the streaks of lightning was a man. Shortly after that, Barrys mother had been murdered and Barrys dad had been blamed for it and was being sent to jail for life.

Barry Allen is now a normal 25 year-old crime scene investigator. He's a nerd at heart and loves all things science related. Suddenly one night when S.T.A.R. Labs brand new particle accelerator blows up.

This is the cause of Barry Allen getting his powers, the power of speed.

The show goes off of a basis of this night. Barry fights other humans that were effected by the Particle Accelerator. Barry has to balance having a personal life, work and being the Flash. This is a great tv show! There is some language though, a couple h-words per episode. I would recommend this shoe to 13+ year olds. The violence is very light, The Flash tends to stick to a very "quick and easy" fighting style. The show is filled with lots of good role models and has lots of suspense. I definitely recommend this show! I rate this show 4 lightning bolts out of 5. I'm now in season 4 which is the most recent season. The show is better than it is when the show began. I hope you guys and gals watch the show very soon! You can watch the Flash seasons 1-3 on Netflix! This is Josiah from DJS signing out!

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