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Real Iron-Man!

Hey guys, Josiah here from DJS! Today I will be talking about the Real Iron-Man suit! Lets get into it!

So this is pretty AWESOME! I would love to be Iron-Man, but as of now it wasn't possible. But now it is! This man (Richard Browning) created his own iron man jet boosters. There is a lot of science stuff behind it that I don't know much about but you can find out more at their website

So Richard Browning wears a lightweight exoskeleton suit to protect himself from damage. He wears Ultra-light snake-bite-resistant walking boots. Then as of the actual flying, he built a Kerosene-fuelled micro gas turbines.

He can use the jets as jets and as flame-throwers.

I'm going to show a video of the process of him creating it.

Ok, I think that this is the end of the blog post! Thanks for reading, Josiah out!

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