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Draco Malfoy and Julian Albert. Same Person? I think so.

Hey guys, Josiah here from DJS! Today I will be talking about a personal theory, are Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter and Julian Albert from the CW Flash TV Series the same person?

Now I know what you're thinking, I wouldn't have believed this theory either but let me talk to you about it. The Julian Albert page on the ArrowVerse WIKI says the following: Julian was born to a wealthy family in England and as the first born son was meant to inherent the large sum of money built up from past generations. Though Julian was an 'odd duck' and would rather go outside and explore than deal with formalities. He eventually became a historian, with his dissertation "Anthropological analysis of the Brahmastra" published by Oxford University. Now I'd like to point out two traits of Julian Albert and Draco Malfoy in the previous paragraph. They both were born to a wealthy family in England. This is where my proof pretty much ends. Also spoilers for Harry Potter and The Flash TV Series after this point.

So I think that after the fall of Voldemort at the end of the the second wizarding war Draco Malfoy ran away from his friends and family because he was scared that the Death Eaters would find out that Draco betrayed Voldemort. He then changed his name to Julian Albert Desmond and went into hiding. Now shortly after the events of the first Harry Potter book The Sorcerers Stone, Albus Dumbledore said he would destroy the Sorcerers Stone but I don't think that he destroyed it. Albus Dumbledore didn't destroy the Sorcerers Stone because he was fond of it because he and Nicholas Flamel created it. So instead of destroying it Dumbledore went to India and hid it there, telling no one about this and saying he destroyed it.

I think this is the case dumbledore hid the stone in.

Now this takes us back to Julian AKA Draco Malfoy. He is now a historian and is searching for the Philosophers Stone also known as the Sorcerers Stone. He ends up in India because he has word that the Philosophers Stone is hidden there. He then finds the Philosopher Stone and then becomes his Evil (SPOILERS) alter-ego Alchemy, but Julian has no idea about his alter-ego Alchemy. After finding the Philosophers Stone he moves to Central City and becomes a CSI agent to fight evil to make up for his time as a Death Eater. While Julian is in Central City he becomes the boss of Barry Allen AKA The Flash. Julian becomes a bully figure to Barry Allen and Barry Allen is the Flash and The Flash's symbol is a lightning bolt, and who else is tied to a Lightning bolt and is bullied by Julian AKA Draco? HARRY POTTER!

Alchemy is one of the main bad guys in the Flash TV series. I think that there are some similarities between Draco and Alchemy.

Look at Dr. Alchemys suit, its colors are full of green and silver and his main weapon is the Philosophers Stone. I think that his costume is very similar to the logo of Slytherin.

So this is my theory about Draco Malfoy and Julian Albert being the same person. Thanks for reading till the very end! Josiah from DJS signing out!

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