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Marvel and DC. Same Universe? I think not.

Hey guys Jacob from DJS here, and today we have a theory that includes the first Spider-Man movie and the Flash TV series.

This quote from Aunt May appears in the first Spider-Man movie. Many fans have wondered how she knows about Superman in the Marvel universe. My answer to this is the multi-verse. The multiverse is a set of various possible universes including the universe which we live in.In the Flash TV show, "Team Flash" travels to different Earths of different universes. What if the Marvel universe takes place in a completely different universe and so does the DC universe making them not connected. Something you may have been thinking about is "Hey Jacob, if they are in different universes, how does Aunt May know about Superman?" My answer is this, one day in the Marvel Universe there could have been a problem that the Avengers or someone else needed Alien help from another universe, so they called in Superman. After this event, New York Citizens would be made to never speak of it again although, Aunt May could have told Peter about this as a kid. When Aunt May was in the hospital and she mentioned Superman, it makes sense why Peter knows what she is talking about. This is Jacob from DJS, signing out.

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