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Star Wars VR Jedi Challenges

Hey guys, Josiah here from DJS! Today I will be talking about the Star Wars VR Jedi Challenges.

This is basically everything any Star Wars fan has ever wished for. If you're anything like me then you have always wanted a real lightsaber, I mean really, who wouldn't?! So the VR game has three main features.

There's Lightsaber dueling with Kylo Ren and Darth Vader.

There's space chess!

Then there's a kind of war, clash royale kind of game that I couldn't find a picture for. The headset looks really cool too!

The price is kinda rough at $199.99 so you might want to check your wallet before you buy this! So this is the end of the post so thanks for reading till the end! Josiah from DJS signing out.

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